
What is inductive Bible Study?

Some time ago, I studied my Bible inductively and posted a picture of some colored passages to my Instagram stories. An overwhelming number of readers asking me how I highlight my Bible and how this method works. And here we go: In this blog post I’m sharing how I study my Bible inductively.

What is inductive Bible study? It is a method that helps us observe the text, interpret its meaning, and apply it to our own lives. This approach to God’s Word is based on a three-step process that includes observation, interpretation, and application.

I’ve learned the method from Lindsay Olesberg in her book “The Bible Study Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide to an Essential Practice”

Let’s hear from Lindsay Olesberg herself what inductive Bible study is all about:

„Induction, by contrast, starts with details and builds out to a general theory or synthesis. The inductive process analyzes a set of facts in relationship to one another and develops an understanding that holds the particulars together in a coherent whole.“

Since practicing inductive Bible study, I’ve adapted my own system. Here’s how I study my Bible inductively:


While reading the biblical text slowly, I use color coding for highlighting. I created a chart with subjects and colors that touch upon the themes that seem important to me: 


main point

names for God and his character


time and places

motives and themes 

After highlighting the text, I collect some interesting observations in my notebook. I watch out for repetition, correlations, changes in location, theme, etc. 


After highlighting my Bible, I pray about observations that stood out to me and ask the Holy Spirit for insight. I think and ponder upon Scripture’s meaning. I ask questions and try to find the answer in the text. After that, I look up some keywords in Greek or Hebrew, I read the annotations in my Study Bibles and, if necessary, I consult a commentary. Trying to understand the meaning of the passage in its context is important: Who received the text primarily and why? Does it speak into a specific situation? If so, what is it all about, and what wanted the author to convey to his audience? 


In the third and last step, I ask myself: “How do the insights and revelations I gained from the text apply to my own life? How does Scripture change the way I think and act?” I ask the Holy Spirit to change my heart and pray about some practical changes I can implement in my life. 

Inductive Bible Study changed the way I read the Bible since it allows me to study it more thoroughly. 

“Studies show that we retain more when we figure something out for ourselves. Learning that involves proactivity, genuine curiosity and hard work engages us at a deeper level.” Lindsay Olesberg

Note that I don’t study my Bible inductively every day. I practice this method when I want to read a passage or a whole book of the Bible thoroughly. 

The methods and possibilities to help us understand the Bible accurately are endless. In my opinion, there’s no such thing as a “perfect” Bible study method that we should stick to for the rest of our lives. I believe we should experiment with different ways of approaching the Bible to know which technique helps us to get the most out of our study time. The most important thing is to study Scripture to start a conversation with God and to get to know him and his will for us.

Read more:

Why miracles are not enough for people to believe in God

How to share the Gospel despite rejection

When God doesn’t answer your questions

⭐️ Follow me on Instagram for encouragement 

⭐️ Do you want to know how to study the Bible for yourself? Get my free 19-page-long Bible Study Basics Guide by subscribing to my newsletter down below. 

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