
How to get your priorities straight

Do you also hear so much talk about priorities? About how they help us schedule our time and determine what is important in our life? But how exactly do you put this into practice? Some people suggest doing lists and prioritize the items. Others suggest you focus only on the important things and leave out the rest. It gets confusing trying to figure out our priorities in such a hectic and overwhelming world.

In my experience most of the time when I plan my day and try to do things in the order of my priorities, life happens.There are always things I didn’t see coming, so I constantly need to adjust my daily plan. What looked like a straight outline in the morning, makes me look back at a whole different day in the evening. Mostly things get more complicated or take longer than we expected.

One day I prayed about my frustrations. I shared my heart with God about how I never get my priorities in line, not for one day. And then I realized, how putting God first ACTUALLY looks like.

“The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.” Mark 12:29-30

I guess for us Christians it’s clear; God’s our priority.He’s the one we put in your schedule first to spend time with. But what about all the other things? Therefore, we need to realize something:

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” Johannes 15:5

I’m convinced that when we put God first in EVERYTHING, not just our schedule, things will fall into place and our priorities will get straight. Imagine asking God every day what you should focus on that particular day. What would happen if you don’t plan out your day yourself, but be led by the Spirit in everything you do?

This means we invite God into every thought and into every appointment. It doesn’t matter if we wash the dishes, commute to work, eat, shop for groceries or watch TV. God not only is our first priority in our schedule, but in everything we think and do. So how could we not get our other priorities straight when the most important thing is always on our mind?

Over time we learn to get more and more sensitive to the guidance of the Holy Spirit and can determine what he leads our hearts to do. I’m convinced when we truly put God first in EVERYTHING, then our priorities get in line and we won’t be stressed out when our plan for the day won’t work out.

But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Matthew 6:33

Of course, we can’t just throw out all our other responsibilities. And sure, you need to care for your family and keep going to work! But what if you put God first in every single task and responsibility?

Let’s say your work is important to you. Now go to work and put God first in everything you do at your work place. Always keep in mind that you’re working for him and not for men.

Or let’s take a look at eating healthy and working out. Why are you doing the exercises you do? To look a certain way or to strengthen your body? Do you eat healthy to get into the perfect shape or to nourish your body in order to fuel you for doing what God has called you to do? Why don’t we let God shape our focus and motives in everything we do?

I suggest that we focus on the one priority that matters the most: God! If we give him the first place in all our other responsibilities, we will take care of the rest. Let’s trust God, he’s faithful!

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