
Free from comparison and envy

Every society has an ideal of the perfect person. Someone who’s successful, accomplished, and beautiful is admirable in the Western world. While comparing ourselves to the culture’s ideal, we see our “flaws” and the parts we “lack”. 

Where does this ideal come from? It is driven by the human desire to be loved and admired. Those are core needs that can only be satisfied by God. But the enemy makes us believe that when we become the perfect person, worthy of love.

This is a lie. Our ideal is Jesus Christ, and he tells you that you’re already worthy of love and that you’re special. You have a unique part to play in God’s kingdom.  

In 1. Corinthians 12 Paul uses a metaphor comparing the church to the human body. I highly recommend you read that chapter to understand the significance of you gifts and talents to serve the church. 

God wants to show you your unique place in his kingdom. He has created you for a specific purpose. How do you find it? God will show it to you. Ask him and he will lead and guide you to where he wants you to go. 

When he shows you the spot where he wants you to settle and grow fruit, it will probably look different than expected. You may have thought that he’d guide you to a place where everything has been prepared and done for you. But in fact, what you’ll find there is dirt ground and lots of empty space. You’ll wonder what on earth you should do here. God will show you a picture, a vision of what could be and what’s to come if you say yes to the process and are willing to work with God hand in hand.

If you’re willing to live according to his plan, his way of doing things, and his timing, you’ll tend to this place together. Like a gardener, God will help you transform the bare soil and the empty space into the most beautiful and blossoming garden. Together, you’ll structure the space, work the ground, and plant all kinds of great seeds. God will show you how to pull out weeds, fix broken fences, and cut off some branches. Your plants will bear fruit in different seasons and you’ll enjoy the harvest times.  

Your whole garden will be unique and beautiful because it is you and God together who’ll create something special that has never been seen before. This exclusive place aligns with your personality, gifts, and strengths. That garden will be a representation of who God created you to be. The full potential that has been lurking inside of you will be visible for everyone around you to see and enjoy. 

It is a delight to enjoy the beauty of a well-watered and blossoming garden. But it takes work to keep the garden clean and organized. When you want to have good fruit, you need to tend to it daily. Seek the master gardener, get to know him, and listen to his instructions so that you know what needs to be done in every season. 

As you’re busy tending to your own garden, you don’t have time to look at what others are doing because you’re focused on the work God and you are doing together. But when you have a break or two and look around, you’ll see and admire the beauty of other people’s gardens. You won’t be intimidated by their uniqueness and beauty anymore, but you’ll be able to enjoy and admire what they contribute to the body of Christ. Because you shine your own light, you don’t have to fear that other people will outshine you. No one can take away your garden because it has been given to you by God. 

In his kingdom, there’s no garden more or less beautiful, but everyone’s space is individual. And you can’t compare what’s unique. Comparison is completely pointless because people are different in who they are and what they do. There’s no one else with your personality, family background, genes, gifts, and strengths. The more you work on your own God-given garden, the less you’ll compare your life to others. Because you know who you are, you can respect others for who they are. 

When you’ve done your inner work, you’ll realize that your gifts and talents were never meant for you to show off because they can’t make you more loveable or worthy. Their sole purpose has always been to serve and lift up others.

Like Paul showed us with the imagery of the body in 1. Corinthians 12. When everyone embraces their lot and does what God has called them to do, the whole body works together perfectly. And there’s nothing more rewarding than enjoying the blooming of your own garden. 

Read more:

9 tips to overcome envy and jealousy

When God doesn’t answer your questions

How God changed me

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