After giving my life to Christ, I heard a lot of talk about finding our unique gifts and strengths that we received from God. And of course, I wanted to know for myself what raw talents God put on my inside to develop. One day, I decided to pray repeatedly for the Holy Spirit to uncover my strengths. Over the course of a few months, he led me into situations that would show me my unique gifts.
In this post I’m giving you an example of one talent God revealed to me. I want to show you how he spoke to me and the way I’m using that gift right now. It is my hope and my prayer that it will help you discover your own God-given gifts and talents.
Writing has always been a passion of mine since I was little. But I never considered it a special talent until it dawned on me almost 10 years ago. The following 3 things led me to the conclusion that writing was one of my strengths:
1. I looked over my childhood and teenage years. When I was little, I could write for hours: I created magazines, imagined stories and wrote letters to my pen pals. Further, the grades in school I received for writing essays proved that it was a strength of mine.
2. One time, our school participated in a writing competition. 120 students took part and submitted a short story. Out of all the essays, my story won. This was a huge surprise for me! In an instant, I knew that this was the Holy Spirit showing me what talent he placed in me. There’s no reason for me to brag about this accomplishment, because I know it was God who made the judges like my story that much.
3. Seemingly out of nowhere, I got the opportunity to write a monthly column in the biggest newspaper of my region. This was a huge honor, and I knew it was God who opened that door for me.
A few months after I started praying to God to reveal my strengths, it dawned on me that writing was one of my talents. And you know what? You have some gifts and talents as well. God wants you to discover and develop what he has put on the inside of you. Pray and ask God to reveal them to you. Another step you can take is to pray for wisdom on how to use and develop your unique skill set.
Back then, I imagined this gift of writing would lead me to work in communications or as a journalist. But God had other plans: I studied Theology and today, I’m running a blog in a language foreign to me. My first language is Swiss German, and I studied English only from 7th grade in school.
God leads me to develop my language skills daily. It is one thing to write well in your mother tongue but practicing the craft in another language is a whole other story. I’m constantly improving my English: I look up vocabulary, study grammar and practice communication. Even though it is not my first language, I knew it was God who wanted me to write my blog in English.
Looking back, it amazes me how God showed me my strength and the way I’m using it right now. I absolutely love writing and communicating in English! You may already know and practice the gifts God put on the inside of you – that is amazing. Let my story be an encouragement for you to stay open to God’s guidance, if things turn out differently than expected.
Read more:
How God told me which major to choose in college
How I’ve learnt about the gift of prophecy
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10 replies on “How God showed me my talents”
Madeleine, your writing is excellent and uplifting and such a blessing to read. Thank you for pursuing the call God has on your life. He will uphold you with His mighty hand as you pursue His path for your life.
Hi Heather. Thank you so much for your sweet words. This means a lot to me 🥰
Amazing, I just came across your blog. Thank you for your encouragement. I love writing as well and have almost simillar childhood experiences like yours. God bless.
It’s so good that you found my blog! And I’m glad you like writing as well 🥰
Thanks so much for this! I had a feeling English was not your first language but i could not really put my finger on why i thought that, i still don’t know why i thought that, but you just confirmed for me i was right. 🙂
Thank you for sharing in English! Obviously it is someone who speaks English that you will be helping! Or numerous English speaking someone’s! I found your blog a while back and i love it! So thank you!
I love that you asked the Holy Spirit about your gifts and after a while he revealed them to you. I am going to be praying the same thing because i do not know my spiritual gifts or the unique gifts that God gave me. I also love writing and have thought about starting a blog…but i have never taken the plunge cause i don’t know what i am doing…but i As I pray, i think i will know once the Holy Spirit start revealing my gifts to me. 🙂
Thanks so much Madeline
I think people might guess that English is not my first language. And I’m glad my post help you. Finding out about your gifts and talents is such a blessing. Operating in our strength zone is a lot of fun. I join you in prayer that God will reveal your unique gifts 💕
Just discovered your blog post today! I have taught English as a Second Language in the past and I must say your English writing skills are AMAZING! Keep shining your light for Jesus by using the talents and skills He’s blessed you with!
I am currently at 50 yrs of age going back to school to become a counselor. It will be a LOT of studies, but God has showed me over and over again as I’ve prayed for direction that this is the path He wants me on!
I agree He gives us talents and opens opportunities up for us to walk into as we seek His direction!
Hi Cathy. Thank you so much for your comment. I’m so happy that you, a teacher, think that my English skills are amazing. I put a lot of practice in it! And I admire your courage to go back to school to become a counselor. How amazing is this! I’m praying for you that God leads you every step of the way 🥰
Hi Deanna
That is amazing! I join you in prayer that God reveals you even more gifts and talents. And that he shows you how to use them. Be blessed