
How God told me what job to apply to

In my early twenties, I struggled with chronic pain for 5 years. It was a very long, difficult, and dark period of my life. The only thing that gave me hope was God. Because I sought his presence every day, I was able to shift my focus from my constant pain to him and his power. And today, I’m healed – all glory to God! 

At that time, I was studying Theology at Uni. Where I live, students either get full financial support from their parents or they work part-time at a company besides their parents’ aid. Since I’m an independent person by nature, I wanted to take a part-time job to help fund myself.   

The only problem was that the chronic pain in my hands prevented me from working. One day, I talked to God about this and I asked him to seek a job for me where I’d earn a lot and wouldn’t have to use my hands. To be honest with you – I didn’t think it was possible for me to work at all. What job could I possibly do that didn’t involve using your hands?

Some weeks after this prayer, I felt led to go to my Uni’s student platform where they offered jobs for students. Immediately, I heard the Holy Spirit telling me ‘Go to the 5th page and click on the 3rd entry from the bottom’. I clicked on that page and scrolled down to click on the job offer.

The company that published the classified ad was looking for students to work in their call center to sell their products and they paid a decent salary. I thought ‘Well, what do I have to lose? Let’s apply!’ On the same day, I sent out my application for the job. The next day, they replied with an invitation for an interview. The day after, I went to the interview and another day later, I got the job. Within four days (!!!) I had a job that not only paid me a decent salary but suited my chronic pain problems. I could be on the phone for the whole shift and didn’t have to use my hands.

How big were the odds that there was really a job out there I could do without using my hands? It still amazes me how God led me to a job that fitted my needs perfectly!

And that’s not all. My coworkers were students as well, and mostly non-believers. We had some great talks about God, religion, and being a Christian. I saw the Holy Spirit working through me to share some truth about the church and who Jesus is with these precious young people. 

While all of this sounds really awesome, it was also very challenging. Balancing my studies and work while dealing with chronic pain and having multiple doctor appointments a week was a lot. And working in a call center can be very tiring because some customers were hard to please. But every morning I spent in God’s presence, he filled me with new energy and motivation to carry through. Even to this day, I know that it was 100% God’s will for me to work there and he was the one who pulled me out before the company went bankrupt a few months later. 

There’s just this feeling of peace and awe, knowing that God is working in my life and leading me in the right direction.

It is so important that we spend time with God daily to get direction for every area of our lives. Imagine how your life would look like when God would tell you whom to marry, where to move, what job to take, which friendships to invest in and so much more. The key is to build a strong and unmovable foundation on him and give all you’ve got to your heavenly Father. 

Read more:

How I’ve learnt to hear God’s voice

10 prayers for your career

A testimony of God’s provision

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15 replies on “How God told me what job to apply to”

This was spot on and what I needed to read. I’ve been working virtually in a medical call center for well over 15yrs between 2 different companies.And yes it’s very tiring and I always felt I’m supposed to be doing more than working n a call center as a career.I didnt/dont want to sound ungrateful for my job and being able to work from home all these years,but yes it gets tiring to the point sometimes I lose focus.Ive been fasting and praying that God reveal and direct me in that area of my life..well in all areas of my life according to his will.Theres always more!

Hi Stephanie
Thanks for your comment! I have so much respect for anyone working in customer service because it can be very tiring at times. And I believe that when God put it on your heart to pursue more, you should follow that lead. He will tell you where to go next.

I love this article! The Holy spirit told me to apply for a company. Job searching has been a struggle and I just began to say Lord Will you pick my next job because only you can satisfy me. I stood on the scripture eyes have not seen and ears have not heard nor had it entered into the heart of man the things that God has prepared for those who love him and are called according to his purpose.

Wow tnx for sharing this information with me it will really help me to see a big picture of mi relationship with God

Such an inspiring story. Currently looking for a job now. During this pandemic it is so hard to find a job. Then i realize while reading this that God is the expert in doing the impossible things. Just trust him.

Hey Cris. I’m glad my story encourages you. God truly does the impossible things! I’m praying that he opens the doors for a new job opportunity.

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