
My God, why have you forsaken me?

What about the times when all hell comes against you? What do you do when you’re in great distress, unable to find a way out of your hopeless situation? How do you react when the weight of your pain and your troubles threatens to crush you? You probably do as any sane person would do: You cry out to God for help.

My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from saving me, so far from my cries of anguish? My God, I cry out by day, but you do not answer, by night, but I find no rest. Psalm 22:1-2

Jesus knew how it felt. While he was in great distress, he cried out to his heavenly Father for help. Betrayed by his own people, left by his disciples, seemingly forsaken by God, and tortured by the evil one. 

Psalm 22 wrote church history because of the accuracy with which it describes Jesus suffering. The great Messiah even quotes its first two verses while being in great pain on the cross. 

The people who accompanied Jesus and hoped that he was the eagerly awaited Messiah were devastated. Their hopes of a Messiah liberating them from the reign of Rome were scattered into pieces. None of the disciples would have expected what seemed to be a triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem would mean his death was just around the corner. 

But Jesus’ terrible suffering led to something so much greater. Something that none of his disciples might have anticipated: The inauguration of the kingdom of God. What started in agony ended in the glorious resurrection three days later. It even became the pivotal turning point in history. Today we know that the resurrection was only the beginning of God’s kingdom being established.

You may be faced with troubles and pain right now. I don’t know why something happened or didn’t happen in your life. But I know for sure that there will come a time when you’ll experience joy again. I know, you probably can’t imagine ever feeling a pleasant emotion ever again. But I can guarantee you that another time will come. Why? Because I know God. And his word says that life consists of seasons (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8). 

a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, Ecclesiastes 3:4

After Jesus and his disciples suffered a great deal, their joy was even greater.

For he has not despised or scorned the suffering of the afflicted one; he has not hidden his face from him but has listened to his cry for help. Psalm 22:24

God saved Jesus. But not as one might have expected. God didn’t remove the pain and the suffering from his own Son but granted him the greatest victory afterward. 

They will proclaim his righteousness, declaring to a people yet unborn: He has done it! Psalm 22:31

There will come a time when you can praise God again, declaring his righteousness while proclaiming what God has done. He restores in his own and most unexpected ways. I want to encourage you to read Acts to know about the first fruits that followed after Jesus’ resurrection. Read about countless lives that have been changed because of what Christ has done. Know that your disaster can end in victory and a new beginning as well.

Read more articles:

God’s intentions for your life

God’s will for your life

How to be content and satisfied

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3 replies on “My God, why have you forsaken me?”

Genau jetzt brauche ich diese Worte, ich bin festen Glaubens, Gott hat sie mir geschickt. Gerade hängt soviel in der Luft und es wird für mich so knapp. Ich brauche Gottes Hilfe.
Dieser Blog-Post hilft durchzuhalten und hoffentlich eine Lösung zu finden. 🙏🏼

Liebe Barbara. Es freut mich, dass dich mein Post angesprochen hat. Ich bete, dass Gott dir hilft und bald eine Lösung aufzeigt.

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