
The Spirit of the Lord is upon him

The Spirit of the Lord is upon him. His charisma is so compelling that crowds form around him. In masses they come to him: Old, young, poor, rich… they draw near to hear, see, and experience him.  His smile is warmer than the sun. His arms are open to welcome all people. He’s inviting and passionate as well as generous and warmhearted. He appears kind but at the same time determined and straightforward in his own calm way of being. 

Yes, he’s full of contrasts. Even though his coming was expected, his deeds often surprise. He outargued everyone approaching like a soldier in war fighting with a double-edged sword. But at the same time, his appearance is kind and lowly. He makes the grandest claims of himself, demands the highest throne, but is the humblest person who ever walked the earth. We look at him and we have to say: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon him.” 

He’s anything but boring and anemic because the Spirit of the Lord is upon him. He runs over with life and brings to life everyone he encounters. They didn’t expect the Messiah to be like that. They thought the promised and anticipated Christ would liberate them from the Roman oppression to restore Israel to all its might. But what he offers is even better: Freedom for the whole world. Peace available for every seeking heart. Joy for every living being. A new kingdom.

A kingdom that is not from this world is breaking into our world. Unstoppable. With beauty and a calm, bright presence. He came to proclaim his kingdom. He became human, humbled himself, to glorify the Father.

Who could resist the one who has the Spirit of the Lord resting upon him? Despite his countless arguments with his opponents, his outburst in the temple, and his radical attitude, we can’t doubt his love.

What great love! No one who ever tasted his love stays the same. His touch changes hearts, astonishes, and refreshes in ways the world doesn’t know.

Nothing is more inspiring than his willingness to meet us on equal footing. He exists since the beginning, and everything was created through him. He, the king of kings, came to us to meet us face to face. The time stands still when he looks at us. Healing, transformation, joy, and peace all abound in his presence because the Spirit of the Lord is upon him. 

Evil can’t stand in his powerful presence. Darkness doesn’t have a hold on him and everyone who lives in his light.

For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, Colossians 1:13

What a great kingdom! And what a glorious God who rules. The sick get healed, sufferers find comfort, the oppressed get liberated, and the poor hear the Good News. He uplifts everyone who calls upon his name. 

He is the place where God dwells. He’s the temple, where God stays. He is light that brightens everything around him because the Spirit of the Lord is upon him.

He’s probably closer to you than you know. The Spirit of the Lord, the Spirit of love, healing, and joy lives inside of everyone who confesses that he is Lord. The Spirit that is upon him lives on the inside of you (1. Corinthians 16:19). You’re called to draw from the fullness of God’s love through the power of his Spirit.

The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is upon me, for the LORD has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to comfort the brokenhearted and to proclaim that captives will be released and prisoners will be freed. Isaiah 61:1

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he has anointed me to bring Good News to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the oppressed will be set free, and that the time of the Lord’s favor has come.” Luke 4:18-19

His name is Jesus Christ.

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