
We trust in whom we know

What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ. Philippians 3:8

Paul lived in a trusting relationship with his heavenly Father. This relationship was characterized by a deep connection—a type of bond where understanding goes beyond words, trust is implicit, and the closeness of hearts is felt. Why else would Paul endure multiple imprisonments, countless beatings, and constant persecution?

What the Apostle Paul lived, he endeavored to impart to his communities as well. His message is found in the Pauline Epistles addressed to various congregations. Central themes include relying on God’s grace instead of one’s own works, the hope of future resurrection, and confidence in God’s daily provision. The foundation of trusting in God is built upon one’s relationship with Him.

How can we trust someone we don’t know? Isn’t trust the foundation of any fulfilling marriage and friendship? How could business relationships function without a fundamental level of trust?

Relationships between people need to be deepened and strengthened for trust to grow. It is only by regularly spending time with a person that we come to know them better. The foundation for a strong connection is laid through many everyday moments of interaction, leading to deep and meaningful conversations as well as fulfilling moments. A similar principle applies to our relationship with God. As we gain a deeper understanding of who God is and grow in our connection with Him, we learn to trust—even in difficult times.

Many Christians experience disappointment when they don’t immediately feel God’s presence during their Bible reading. It’s akin to the principle of sowing and reaping. Investing in a relationship with God involves planting good seeds that will yield a good harvest at the right time. This harvest may manifest as a new revelation of God’s Word, a deepening of the relationship, receiving a specific assignment, or the opening of a new door in our lives.

Since his childhood, Paul was familiar with the five books of Moses, the prophets, and other Scriptures that are now part of the Old Testament. He even studied under Gamaliel, a highly renowned teacher of that time. Paul knew how good and great God was. However, it was through the experience that Jesus Christ was the promised Messiah that his eyes were opened to the unfathomable magnitude of God’s love for him and all peoples.

Paul understood that it was worth following Jesus even unto death and emulating His example. Such profound trust is found only where two lovers blindly fall into each other’s arms.

At the core of such love is a profound connection that arises through building a relationship. This trust in God takes shape over time as we spend time with His Word, participate in worship services and fellowship with other believers, and reflect on biblical texts in our everyday lives. It grows as we pray to Him and experience His work in both the ordinary and extraordinary aspects of life.

We know that we should spend time with God, don’t we? However, it’s challenging for us to find the necessary time and motivation to sit down and read our Bible. And when we finally take the time to study His Word, we often struggle to concentrate and just want to get it over with.

As a new Christian, reading the Bible was a real challenge for me. I much preferred reading books by other Christians and listening to sermons. One day, it dawned on me that something needed to change if I wanted to draw closer to God. Even Jesus needed time alone with His heavenly Father (Mark 1:35). How much more should we spend time in His presence?

I realized that I needed to discipline myself, regardless of how I felt. That’s why I developed the habit of praying and reading the Bible every morning. At first, I didn’t enjoy it at all. However, I persisted, and over weeks and months, the feelings of boredom and resistance towards the Bible transformed into love and passion.

Today, my daily time in God’s Word is my favorite part of the day. I can’t imagine not spending time with God because I’ve experienced so many breakthroughs in my life. My relationship with God deepened, His Word came alive in my everyday life, and I recognized how God moved in my life. My life changed drastically because I engaged with the Bible and prayed daily. I have never regretted the daily time I spent in God’s presence.

Many of us claim that we don’t have time to read the Bible because we are too busy. However, when we take a closer look at how many hours a day we spend on our phones and streaming platforms, we realize that the issue is not lack of time but how we choose to use it. How about starting by replacing just 15 minutes of scrolling and watching series with Bible reading?

God is waiting for us. It’s up to us to actively seek Him, and He will let Himself be found by us. This can lay the foundation for a deep and trusting relationship with God.


Father, draw me close to Your heart. Show me how Your heartbeat and reveal who You truly are. Help me to know You better. Place a strong desire inside my heart to seek You, and I trust that You will let Yourself be found by me. Meet me and disclose who You are. Show me through Your Word what defines You, how You work, and the foundation of our relationship. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Questions for personal reflextion:

What can you do today to deepen your relationship with God? 

How can you get to know Him better?


This was the first of 50 devotions from my book about trusting God

It launched in German, but I hope and pray that one day I can publish my book in English and share those valuable devotions about trusting God with all of you. 

Read more blog posts:

Waiting on God: Dealing with Waiting Seasons

Trust God

How to find inner calm

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