
When obedience brings blessing

God blesses us out of his goodness and faithfulness. He loves us and wants to give us good gifts. But more often than not, there’s a link between obedience and blessing. 

We don’t have to look very far to see this principle unfold in the Bible. Already in the garden, Adam and Eve’s blessings were based upon their obedience. They had one single rule to obey:

And the Lord God commanded the man, “You are free to eat fro6tm any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.” Genesis 2:16-17

They had access to everything they could have ever wanted. But they refused to obey God’s command and therefore missed out on most of his blessings. 

Obeying God amidst uncertainty can be difficult. You don’t know what’s next if you let go of your past and your old ways of thinking, break off a relationship, move to another place, leave your job, or whatever else God is telling you to do. It hurts because he’s refining you. 

If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good things of the land; Isaiah 1:19

But on the other side of your obedience awaits freedom and blessing. Doing the right thing will fill your heart with joy and peace. Sometimes you feel it right after making the tough call. At other times, it takes a while until the good fruit of your right choice becomes visible. 

If you’re deciding to obey God in the big and small things, you’re in good company. Jesus obeyed God. Ruth obeyed God. Noah obeyed God. I could give you countless examples in the Bible of god-fearing people who obeyed God and got blessed.

Because Jesus was obedient, he’s now sitting at the right hand of the Father (Romans 8:34).

Because Ruth was obedient, she got married to Boaz, an honorable and god-fearing man. (Ruth 4:13).

Because Noah obeyed God, he and his family were saved from the flood (Genesis 8:16). 

Through their obedience, they not only got blessed themselves, but they played key roles in the purposes of God:

Jesus defeated the dark forces of this world and conquered sin and death so that we can get saved. 

Ruth is mentioned in the genealogy of Jesus and therefore was an ancestor of the great Messiah. 

Through Noah, mankind continued to exist. 

These were just a few of countless examples in the Bible. 

We’re not only obeying God to get blessed but to fulfill God’s greater purposes here on this earth. Generations are influenced by our obedience. Our children and our children’s children are shaped by our obedience.

Obedience isn’t just a one-time thing that we do concerning the big decisions of life. No, it starts with small things. The things we do on a daily basis that may seem insignificant. What we do when no one is watching matters. Seeking God’s will daily, spending time with him, and obedience should be our pattern of life.

There are so many things in your life that God wants to bless you with, that are closely connected to your obedience. Will you do the effort to seek him today and ask him for direction? Are you reading the Bible to know his will in every situation? Do you let him shape your heart to love as he does? 

You’ll find everything you could ever want and need when you surrender your life to God and obey him: 

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Matthew 6:33

Nevertheless, we can’t neglect that God blesses us out of his grace and goodness alone. We can’t manipulate God into blessing us. But it is a biblical principle, that he blesses us, when we obey him. 

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4 replies on “When obedience brings blessing”

I’m glad that God spoke to you. Remember that when he wants you to do something it is for your own good. God has a GOOD purpose for your life. 🙂

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