The daily news is often filled with negative reports about wars, political turmoil, natural disasters, and other forms of suffering and misery from around the world. The media tends to focus on headlines that will attract the most viewers and generate the most revenue, and bad news often sells better.
Eight years ago, I made the decision to step away from the daily news. Instead, I choose to catch up on global events that interest me personally once every two weeks, after spending a minimal amount of time researching. Afterward, I take time to reflect and pray about what I have learned and the emotions I experience.
Have you ever noticed that the majority of news reports are negative? Natural disasters, wars, acts of violence, and so on, are all topics that dominate the news cycle. This distorted representation of reality is not a true reflection of our world. It is filtered, with only what will bring in viewers and, therefore, revenue, being shown.
Why do we need to be constantly bombarded with negative news about events happening all over the world, while positive news goes unnoticed? The Bible reminds us to guard our hearts in Proverbs 4:23, stating that everything we do flows from our inner life. Our thoughts, mind, reason, desires, feelings, and motives all play a role in our actions and how we live our lives.
If we are filled with fear, we will feel inner tension and act according to our worries. However, if we are filled with hope, we will experience inner calmness and a peaceful lifestyle.
For me, the only daily news I choose to read is the good news found in the Bible. This doesn’t mean that I am ignorant or isolating myself from the world. Instead, I focus on what is important to me – building the kingdom of God in my community and surrounding areas. I pray for the government, the people, and current events, but I don’t let myself become consumed by them. What good does it do for my community if I am distracted by the news, angry about wrongdoing, or full of fear, unable to focus on what truly matters?
I understand that some people have a professional need to stay informed on current events. However, I believe that the majority of people follow the news out of habit or social pressure to always be in the know.
What would happen if you chose to step away from the daily news? You may still learn about important events through conversations with others, social media discussions, or simply by observing the people around you. In my own experience, I have found that I still learn about the most crucial news because people talk about it.
Interestingly, many Christians spend more time-consuming secular news than reading the good news. How can someone have a strong faith in God, feel fulfilled, and be full of trust in Him if they fill their mind with negativity? We become full of what we choose to fill ourselves with.
I am not advocating for a Christianity that isolates itself from the world. Instead, I believe that by embracing biblical truth, we are able to interpret everything through a Gospel lens and be a light for the world. Christians, with their trust in God, are called to pray for the kingdom of God to come to earth as it is in heaven (Matthew 6:10).
You may worry that if you stop watching the daily news, you will become selfish and ignore poverty and misery. However, I don’t believe this will be the case. Most people are not motivated to act by the news; instead, they become paralyzed by fear and try to protect themselves.
When you’re not constantly distracted and influenced by the news, you can have a clear head and think of different ways to become ACTIVE: Helping out in the local church, financially supporting charities that help those in need on-site, scheduling regular prayer times, and finding practical ways to serve people in your city will bear a lot of fruit.
But how could you help someone when you are full of anxiety or empty due to worry? You can only draw from a full place, and fullness comes only through the presence of God.
What you can do right now to get rid of much of your anxiety and inner tension: Stop obsessing over the news and read the good news instead.
The Bible testifies that Jesus is King (Matthew 25:31-40 / 1 Timothy 6:15).
God promises that He will provide for us (Matthew 6:25-34 / Philippians 4:19) and never leave us (Joshua 1:9 / Psalm 139 / Matthew 28:20). He calls us to pray for everything (1 Thessalonians 5:17) and to surrender ourselves completely to Him (Luke 9:24 / Mark 8:34). Let us become full of the good news and stand firm in the truth.
The frightened world needs Christians who stand firm in the truth and testify of a God of love and power. Let us be those who can shine brightly in this hour and point others to the source of our peace and fullness.
Back in 2016, I already published a blog post about why I don’t read the news. This article is an updated version of my conviction, which I have been living by for several years Why I don’t read the news
Read more blog posts:
Christianity is not about getting to heaven
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3 replies on “Why I don’t watch the news”
This is so important! We are easily consumed with the bad, secular news. It can become addictive. Thank you for the reminder to spend more– and the most– time with the Good News.
Danke für diesen Beitrag! Das trifft aktuell mein Vorhaben, mich nicht ständig von den Nachrichten in meinem Inneren beeinflussen zu lassen. Parallel dazu habe ich erst vor kurzem ähnliches gelesen und versuche, Abstand zur digitalen und auch analogen Nachrichten zu bekommen! Und stattdessen zu schauen, wo ich konkret tätig werden kann.
I’m with you!
The impact of constant negative input is actually an insidious form of trauma. Obviously we can’t avoid every breaking major story, but I for one *need* that buffer just to stay sane AND, like you point out, to be useful for encouraging others.
It helps me to remind myself that God is in control of, and already knows, everything.
Blessings in Jesus!