
How Fasting Can Change Your Life

Fasting!? Definitely not! That’s totally out of fashion. The only thing that’s trendy nowadays is intermittent fasting. It helps to stay in shape or lose a few pounds. But biblical fasting? That used to seem kind of strange to me. However, in recent years, my perspective has changed significantly. Today, I’m a fan of fasting, specifically to draw closer to God. I’ve seen how my life has changed through periods of abstinence. How did this change of heart come about, and how can you discover the benefits of fasting for your own life? That’s exactly what this blog post is about.

What is biblical fasting?

Biblical fasting refers to abstaining from food. There are different forms: abstaining from food and drink, only food, or certain types of food (Daniel 10:3). Fasting can last for one day, several days, or even several weeks.

Why was fasting practiced?

Fasting was practiced in the Bible to hear from God or receive guidance (Acts 13:1-3).

It was also used for repentance (Jonah 3:5-10).

Ezra fasted to pray for protection and safety (Ezra 8:21).

But fasting was also common during difficult times. For example, Josaphat proclaimed a fast throughout Judah when the people were threatened by hostile nations. By praying and fasting, he turned to God, showing Him through words and actions that he needed His help and could do nothing without Him. Josaphat humbled himself before God and relied on His infinite power and might. God responded to the fasting of the people:

He said: “Listen, King Jehoshaphat and all who live in Judah and Jerusalem! This is what the Lord says to you: ‘Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s.“ 2 Chronicles 20:15

Strengthened by this response, they praised God. And as they sang praises, God acted and helped them. Fasting, prayer, and praise are the weapons we can use when faced with difficulties. We confess that we need God’s help and are completely dependent on Him. And God loves us and wants to help us (2 Chronicles 20).

Even Esther faced an unsolvable problem – it was a matter of life and death. She turned to God and asked for help by fasting for three days along with her community. After this period of fasting, she approached the king with a request. She knew this simple step could cost her life. Yet, fasting granted her wisdom, and eventually, she found favor with the king. From the moment of fasting, the situation changed for everyone involved: justice was upheld, faithful people were elevated, and fear shifted from the Jews to the hostile nations. When we humble ourselves before God, we show Him how much we depend on Him and how much we need Him.

Even Jesus fasted before His public ministry (Matthew 4:1-2). Likewise, we can fast for our calling

Fasting changes our perspective and can lead to breakthroughs in our lives. We experience God in a new way and witness how He gives us true life. For God promises us a life of abundance (John 10:10).

Besides food, we can also abstain from other things today to awaken our hunger for God and spend more time with Him. Especially social media, phones, news, and streaming platforms are major time wasters that make us dependent. How about abstaining from one of these things or even all technological devices for a few days? Also, refraining from addictive substances like coffee, sugar, or alcohol can help us draw closer to God and exercise self-discipline. God sees our hearts and rejoices when we refrain from something important to us to draw nearer to Him.

Over the past twelve months, I have fasted often and experienced several breakthroughs. I feel closer to God than ever before and have found that I can live without many of the things I had given up. For instance, I fasted from coffee for a while and eventually stopped drinking it altogether. I had similar experiences with sugar, TV series and YouTube. I used to reach for these things after a stressful day. But now I experienced how God cares for me in every aspect and can give me deep peace and true rest – without the distractions I once thought I needed. My relationship with God became deeper and more intimate as a result.

Fasting is a personal matter where we come before God and acknowledge that we need Him, in whatever form that may be (Matthew 6:16-18). It’s not about pleasing God or standing righteous before Him. God accepts us solely by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. Fasting is a proven method to grow in our relationship with God. He waits with open arms for us and delights in our desire to draw nearer to Him and become aware of our dependence on Him.

During fasting, suppressed emotions, lies we believe, and control mechanisms come to the surface. We are confronted with what is hidden within us and what needs to be addressed in God’s loving presence. It’s an opportunity to grow into the fullness and freedom for which Jesus died, so that we may have them.

If you are going through a difficult time, waiting for a breakthrough, or simply want to draw closer to God, I can only encourage you to give it a try. What could you give up in the next few days or weeks to draw closer to God? Please note that complete fasting from food can carry health risks, and your physical condition plays an important role. Consult your doctor first. However, abstaining from media or indulgences offers an easy entry into the practice of fasting.

You might choose a day of the week to abstain from something specific that is important to you or that you often desire in your daily life. Or you may decide to fast from a particular thing or food for a certain period of time. Whatever it may be, pray about it and ask God to meet you during this time and to change you from the inside out. The greatest benefit during the fasting period is experienced when you use the free time to spend more time in the Bible and in prayer. I can promise you that your relationship with God will be shaped and deepened as you seek Him more. The greatest gift during the fasting period is the work that God does within you. And the result of that will become visible in your life. For God rewards those who earnestly seek Him (Hebrews 11:6).

By fasting, we humble ourselves before God (1 Kings 21:27-29). The Bible promises in several places that God exalts those who humble themselves before Him (Matthew 23:12 / 1 Peter 5:6 / James 4:10, etc.). God rewards us when we show through fasting how much we rely on His work and His help.

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