
How I spend time with God

To me, spending time with God is all about my relationship with my heavenly Father. While reading my Bible, I get to know him more. I want to know who God is, what moves him, and what he’s all about. I listen as he gives me fresh revelations, shows me his will, and pours his love into my heart. 

Quiet time is not a religious duty for me, it’s quite the opposite: I crave my daily mornings with God because I absolutely love his tangible presence. We talk about everything that’s going on in my life at the moment and beyond. He listens patiently to my heart’s concerns and talks with me about my feelings and questions. 

For more than 8 years I’ve been praying, studying the Bible, and journaling my time with God every day. 

My routine hasn’t always been the same. It changed again and again over those couple of years.

What I’m sharing with you today is what my current mornings with God look like. 

The journals I used over the past 8 years.

This post is supposed to give you some inspiration on what you can do during your quiet time and I pray for a desire for his presence to take root in your heart.

After getting ready in the morning, I pour myself a cup of coffee and sit down at my specific prayer spot in our living room. Our bar chairs and the high coffee table are placed in front of a huge window with a perfect view on the sunrise. How I love those calm and fresh morning hours!

At first, I grab my journal to write out what’s been bothering me the most at the moment. 

Then I open up my Bible to continue studying where I left off the day before. Sometimes I read two or three chapters. At other times I study only one chapter because a certain passage stands out to me so much that I stay there for the majority of my quiet time. 

I don’t follow a Bible reading plan because I study Scripture at my own pace. I don’t want to rush through a specific number of chapters. I prefer to dwell on whatever the Holy Spirit wants to show me. 

But I have is a list of all the books in the Bible and its chapters. Every day I cross the chapters I just read. That way I make sure to touch on all the books of the Bible and not constantly reread my favorite ones.

While reading Scripture I ask questions, pray about it, and journal my thoughts. I write down what the Spirit reveals to me and I add my comments. The conversation with God develops naturally as I journal what I feel like he’s sharing with me. 

As my time with God advances, I start to pray for my day, and I intercede for the people around me. My family, friends, and other people that he puts on my heart to pray for. I go through prayer requests and some of my prayer lists for reoccurring subjects. 

To finish off, I thank God for what he has done and is doing in my life right now. I count my blessings and I praise him for who he is and what he did for me. 

That’s what my quiet time looks like at my current stage of life. My routine was different when I was single and living with my parents. It changed when I got married and got adjusted throughout the past few years. Today, our daughter is one year old and I’m still keeping my schedule flexible. There are no perfect circumstances to spend time with God. 

What works for me at the moment is spending 30-45 minutes with God. I usually get up before my daughter is awake. When she wakes up before I finish my quiet time, I give her something interesting to play by herself.

My quiet time finishes by closing my Bible. But my conversation with God goes on throughout the day. I talk to God when taking care of our household, going for walks, etc. 

Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. Psalm 91:1

Read more:

10 practical tips to fight distractions when spending time with God

How I’ve learned to hear God’s voice

Renew your mind and transform your life by the word of God

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⭐️ Do you need more trust in God? Get my 30-day devotional about trusting God and letting go. 

⭐️ Do you want to know how to study the Bible for yourself? Get my free 19-page-long Bible Study Basics Guide by subscribing to my newsletter down below. 

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6 replies on “How I spend time with God”

Hi Stephanie. Journaling my time with God is one of the best things I ever started! You won’t regret it 🥰

“My quiet time finishes by closing my Bible. But my conversation with God goes on throughout the day.” I love that you pointed that out because it’s easy to think that our “time with God” is just the 30 minutes or so that we spend “having our quiet time” but really, our conversation should be on-going throughout the day. Such a great point!

And I love seeing all your journals out like that; mine are tucked away in a box but I think I might put them out somewhere so I can re-read them and see how God’s worked over the years. Thank for the inspiration! 🙂

Loved this post, my friend!

Hi Abigail. Exactly, our on-going conversation with God is so important. And I have my journals out because sometimes I go back to read through what God taught and promised me in the past. It’s very encouraging. 🥰

Wow! So simple to follow. Thank you so much.

My question is how do you section the time for Bible study and prayer within 30 – 45 minutes?

I don’t set a specific time for Bible study or prayer. I stay in the Bible as long as I want (sometimes 10, sometimes 20 minutes) and then I move on to pray over my day. At other times I read a passage, pause, and pray about it. There’s really no ‘rule’ to it. I just give that morning time to the Lord and see how he leads.

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