
How to make a wise decision in 8 steps

Making a wise decision can be difficult. Especially if your choice will determine the course of your life, your family, your career and other people. That’s why I’m giving you some tools that will help you make a wise decision. 

Here are my 8 best tips and steps to approach decision-making:

1. Pray. This should be our first response to everything! Ask God for wisdom concerning your decision and that he will make his will plain to you.

If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. 

James 1:5

2. Take the necessary time, but not too much. Thinking over the decision you’re about to make and weighing the pros and cons is good. But considering every detail and possible outcome will leave you confused and exhausted. Set a deadline when you’re going to make your final decision. Schedule time in your calendar to sort out the facts and do some deep thinking concerning your choice. 

3. Check your heart. Ask yourself if you’re going to make the decision based on fear, love, envy, trust or whatever. Reflect upon your motives to see why you tend towards making a particular choice.

4. Talk to someone. Choose wisely whom to take advice from. Talk to someone older and more experienced than you. It should be a believer who bears good fruit (walks in wisdom, love, patience and so on).  

The way of fools seems right to them, but the wise listen to advice. 

Proverbs 12:15

5. Know that making mistakes is part of the human experience. If you’re afraid of making a wrong choice, I want to comfort you: It’s not possible to go through life without failing. It’s better to make a bold decision and learn from your mistakes along the way, then to make a timid decision based on fear and regret it later on. Don’t let the fear of failure stop you. 

6. Can you live with yourself when you do XYZ? Will you have any regrets? Imagine yourself going one way or the other. Now think about the effects of your decision 10 years from now: Can you live with yourself when you take path A rather than path B? Do you think you will regret that you didn’t choose path B?

7. Take responsibility. When you made up your mind which choice you’ll make, take responsibility for whatever outcome. Stand firm in your decision and follow through. Accept that you have to live with the consequences of your decision, whether good or bad. 

8. Act with determination. After making a choice, take the courage to make bold moves. Act upon your decision right away and don’t doubt it. You took enough time to think about your choice, now take action and work towards a great outcome.

I want to encourage you to pray during your process of making a wise decision. Pray this with me:

‘Father, I know that you love me and have good intentions for my life. I pray that your will be done above all else. Guide me into full truth and wisdom. Show me my heart and help me to discern my inner motives during the decision-making process. Lead me to people and recourses that will help me make a good choice. Give me the courage to act boldly and not be intimidated when setbacks come. 

With the choice I’m going to make, I want to see all the great things you have in store for me. If there’s any chance that I missed your voice and stepped out on my own, I know you’ll find me there and lead me back to you. You’re faithful and you catch me when I fall. ⁠

My biggest desire is to do what you want me to do and to see more of your goodness and faithfulness. Father, you are holy, mighty, and trustworthy. You get all the glory. In Jesus’ name, amen.⁠’

Read more:

How God told me which major to choose in college

How God told me what job to apply to

8 practical tips to hear God’s voice

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