
Jesus is the savior of the world

Sometimes the injustice of this world overwhelms me: Children are starving, people are dying of illnesses, violence rules in different parts of the world, etc. There are times when it brings me to tears to see how people are treated.

I’d like to do something… I want to help. If I had more money, more time… just more resources… 

Thoughts like that I always bring before God. I ask him in prayer: ‘What can I do? Please, I want to help.’

The Holy Spirit reminds me that I’m not the savior of the world. I can’t bear every burden that I see on the news. I can’t help all those children and those who are hurting. If I want to help everybody, I’d crash under the weight of the pain.

Now is the time to lay aside our pride and admit that we can’t help everyone. We’re not the savior of the world. But Jesus is. 

Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. Luke 2:11

More money, more time, and more other resources won’t heal wounded hearts. They won’t bring loved ones back. Only Jesus can truly meet people where they are. Only he can heal their hearts and lead them into a better future. 

Even Jesus didn’t aimlessly help everyone, but he had a clear focus on who needed his help. When the Canaanite woman approached him with the request to heal her daughter, he even ignored her at first (Matthew 15:21-28).

He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel.” Matthew 15:24

Jesus knew his calling: He was sent to the people of Israel. Jesus was focused on his mission but didn’t insist on it. The Canaanite woman tried to convince him to heal her daughter until Jesus gave in:

Then Jesus said to her, “Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.” And her daughter was healed at that moment. Matthew 15:28

The key is to do what God is calling us to do: Where to serve, where to help, and where to give. But at the same time, we should be open to some surprises along the road. If some other things come up where we feel led to help, let’s go for it.  

We can’t do everything, but we must do something. It’s not okay to sit back comfortably and watch other people suffer. But it also doesn’t do any good if we try to help everyone and burn out in the process. 

The best thing we can do is to get in position and do as the Holy Spirit tells us to do. Let’s sit in God’s presence daily and wait expectantly for Him to lead us. He will show us how to use our gifts to help others without burning out:

We can pray about the hurt and need we see. 

We can use the resources available to us right now to help others. 

We can give where we feel led to give and help where we feel led to help. 

We can take daily steps in the right direction. 

Having the humility to say this is necessary: ‘Jesus, you are the savior, I’m not. I do as I can, and I rely on him for everything else.’ 

Staying flexible in our walk with God and letting him lead us while following the main mission he put in our hearts is the key.

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