
My Lamp

My whole blog is based on the verse 105 in Psalm 119:

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. (NIV)

This scripture has a huge impact on my life! The word of God offers me everything. It reveals to me who God is, who I am and what I am supposed to do. It brings light into my everyday life and shines on the road I’m taking.

Every morning while reading my Bible and praying, I am reminded of God’s faithfulness, his love and what he did to save me. And it gets even better: When I have questions, need direction or when I am full of joy, I open this book and find words that speak to my current situation.

Here in God’s presence I can learn and grow through his word. Just as plants need water and light to grow, we need his word in our lives to flourish. Only then can we become fully mature.

Without light, we can’t see anything. We need a lamp in the dark, to see where we are going and what we are doing. But light not only shows us the way; it also exposes the truth. Even things that were hidden become visible.

But what exactly is the “word” in Psalm 119?

The psalmist wrote this verse over 2,000 years ago. With the term “word”, he meant a part of the Old Testament that was already accessible to him. The New Testament hasn’t been written and Jesus hasn’t walked the earth at this point in time. But for us today, the notion “word” means the Bible, the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ.

Let me explain…

We read in John 1,14 about Jesus Christ:

The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.

Jesus has been involved from the beginning! The Psalm gets a new meaning when we read it today. Not only the written words on a page are giving us light, but also the Son of God, Jesus Christ. Every story we read about him, every word of wisdom that came out of his mouth and every deed he did are the word becoming alive!!

And it gets even better! Jesus went to be seated to the right hand of God; an image to describe that he is in charge of God’s plan. Who are we “left” with? The Holy Spirit! Christ left the Spirit that he might live in us. He is the middleman God uses to speak to us.

How does he speak? Through God’s word, in our hearts, through other people, or circumstances and in many other ways. He is the interpreter of the Bible. The one who enlightens you with wisdom and direction in what you are supposed to do. This is why I started this blog about whatever I feel it is that God puts in my heart for you to know.

Finally, we have to stay in his word because in that is everything we need; life, love, direction, wisdom and real true fulfillment. It is the truth in an unstable world. It is filled with stories we can connect with, a love letter from God to you, me and all people. The Bible is full of hope, guidance, truth and encouragement.

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