
Trust God

“Trust in God,” they shout. “Let God do it, don’t worry,“ they say. “Let God take the steering wheel and relax,” they preach. 

Trust God means to sit back? Not a chance.

Trust is not easy – it’s hard work! 

The wind is blowing and the waves are raging. Up until this point, Peter didn’t even notice, having his eyes firmly fixed on Jesus. The shock is still hitting through his body like waves. Just a few minutes ago he thought he saw a ghost on the water. But no, it was the Messiah, proving once again that He truly was the Son of God when he walked on water towards the boat. Distracted by the noise of the storm, Peter lost contact with his Help, His Teacher, His Savior. Wasn’t a war raging in his mind battling doubts if the water under his feet would truly carry him? And didn’t he almost lose the battle, if Jesus wasn’t there to fight for him? (Matthew 14:22-33) 

I look back on my driving lessons more than ten years ago. Next to me sat my driving instructor with her thick glasses and a friendly smile. We were driving on the main road towards the green-lit traffic light, that soon changed to orange. “Yep…that’ll do,” I thought, and put my foot down on the gas. Suddenly my body was thrown forward, with only my seatbelts preventing me from slamming my head on the steering wheel.

The car came to a full stop in front of the traffic light, which was now just about to change to red. I barely got through the theory test with the full number of demerit points allowed, but I’m not color blind. “It was too close. Put your foot on the brake when the light is orange if you still can.” my driving instructor said, smiling calmly. It was a teaching moment, a warning for future roads that involved traffic lights and stop roads. That’s what the driving instructor is there for: to introduce me to driving and, if necessary, to intervene from her passenger seat, which is equipped with a second accelerator pedal and brake. 

It is often preached that we should leave the steering wheel of our lives to God. But to be honest, it often feels as if I am sitting in front of the steering wheel as a student, and God as the driving instructor next to me sometimes pulls a full stop, gently grips my steering wheel, or prompts me with subtle hints to turn off or turn around. The beauty of the driving lessons is that you are not left to your own devices, but can fall back on the wise help of the driving instructor at any moment. Even if sometimes you are corrected abruptly….

Life with God is based on a relationship between us and Him. It is up to us to drive on the roads of life with the knowledge of the various signposts in our minds, His Word. It takes courage and trust to hold on to the fact that God is really sitting right next to us, in ultimate control, guiding us and, when necessary, gripping the steering wheel or pressing on the brakes. 

When you’re waiting for a certain thing, like a relationship, a job, clarity on a decision, or another opportunity, trusting God isn’t easy. After all, with each new situation, you ask yourself: 

“Is THIS my open door now?” 

“Is it THIS opportunity?”

“Is there a step required of me now?” 

It’s hard to repeatedly discern, let go, and continue to trust in God. 

With every new difficulty, we have to turn to God, trusting that he will help again. And when things turn out differently than expected, we have to continue to hold on to the fact that God is good.

To lean on God in the face of every new challenge in life, or to pick oneself up and trust again after disappointed hopes, requires courage and perseverance. There is a constant battle raging in our minds to put our trust in God first and not let worries or fears take over. 

Trust has little to do with sitting back, but rather getting in the car every day and tackling the journey of life together with God. In the process, the sun may be blinding, you may get lost, or a storm may be raging, in which case you must adjust your driving. It requires constant evaluation of situations. We must choose to hold on in faith to the fact that God is with us and is working in us as well as in our circumstances and in our surroundings. 

We need wisdom to know when to venture out, whether to quicken our pace or wait for a moment on a side street. Trust has little to do with passivity, but requires active thinking, acting, navigating, and praying. 

Although the driving instructor is sitting next to us, we still have to turn the key and enter the turmoil of traffic. Never alone, but always in the close presence of our gentle co-driver, who is in control of the entire traffic. 

Peter experienced it:

And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down. Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God.” Matthew 14:32-33

The disciples recognized it: 

“Where is your faith?” he asked his disciples. In fear and amazement they asked one another, “Who is this? He commands even the winds and the water, and they obey him.” Luke 8:25 

Read more:

Find your calling

God is here with you right now

Find shelter in God’s arms 

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3 replies on “Trust God”

Thanks for this exhortation Madeline, we need to be constantly reminded that trusting God is never easy but totally worth it.

May God continue to strengthen you to share His word. Amen.

Psalm 20: 7
Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the LORD our God.
I trust God always and not people and earthly things. Pray for mission work in India villages 🙏 blessings

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