
Want to make a difference? Encourage someone!

Every year before Christmas, my hometown organizes a run through the city. The streets are beautifully decorated at that time of the year. When I was a child, I participated in the youngest category and we had to run one kilometer, about 0.6 miles.

My best friend and I were waiting at the starting point and when we heard the sign to run, we gave everything. We ran as fast as we could and we overtook a lot of the other kids. It felt amazing! We felt like we could conquer the world! A lot of people were standing right and left of the track cheering us kids on.

But! In the middle of the route, my breath struggled and I got tired (after 0.5 kilometers, LOL!).
So I stopped running and started walking, watching the other kids overtake me.

When I stopped running, the viewers on both sides were cheering me on saying, “Come on! Run! You can do it! It’s not that far anymore!”

Remember the last time someone encouraged you? How did it feel and how did you benefit from it? Do you see the difference it makes?

I like how Larry Crabb defines encouragement:

Encouragement is the kind of expression that helps someone want to be a better Christian, even when life is rough.

It is so important! We all need encouragement! When was the last time you encouraged someone?

The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who live it will eat its fruit. Proverbs 18, 21

Your words give life or death. Use your words to change someone else’s situation. God gave you so much power to influence and speak into people’s lives. Go out and speak positive words in other’s circumstances. Lift someone up who had a bad day, tell someone how much you like him or her and what difference that person makes in your life, pay honest compliments, etc. Genuine, nice words can change everything.

Back then, at that run through my hometown, I needed those people to lift me up. After the encouragement from so many viewers, I felt the energy coming back into my legs and I started running again. And finally I ran the last few meters and reached the finish line!

But what when you need encouragement yourself and there is no one who strengthens you?

  • Spend time with the Lord. He is your first source for encouragement! Tell Him honestly in prayer how you feel and that you need Him to help you. Trust God that He will provide for you.
  • Encourage yourself. John Maxwell once said that he is his own best encourager. Find out what helps you to stay on track and move forward. Is it to work on your attitude? Decide to say good things to yourself in your thoughts.
  • Another important thing to do is to encourage others. Yes, that’s right! Help someone else. Develop an outlook for other people’s needs. Consequently, when you need someone to cheer you up, they will probably remember what you did for them and be there for you too.

So, what is hindering you from encouraging others? Speak life in other people’s circumstances!

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