
What it means to give up control

I used to think that giving up control means to stop hoping, dreaming, and wondering. I always thought that if I put everything completely into God’s hands, I shouldn’t imagine my future. But I’ve learned that giving up control doesn’t mean that God overlooks my wishes. 

It may be that the moment you let go, God starts changing your heart. Little by little, he moves some things around, some things out, and some new things in. You witness a change in your attitude, courage you never knew was inside of you, or a surprising new way of doing things. As you give up control, new possibilities open up and you view your situation in a new light. Where you just saw a blur, you suddenly see a road ahead of you.

Letting go doesn’t necessarily mean that your life will change drastically and you’ll end up in a different country, doing things you never imagined doing, wondering „How did I get here?“ While I believe that God changes our lives suddenly at times, giving up control can be much simpler and less spectacular.

Giving up control means God’s way and not your way. It’s about the moment you stop clinging to your own plan and start putting the leadership back into God’s hands. And even if things turn out differently than you thought, God knows what he’s doing and he’s guiding you to where he wants you to go. 

Usually, a person decides to give up control when there’s no other way. When you’re at the end of your rope and tried it your own way long enough, you’re willing to let go and let God, right? 

The Israelites didn’t have any choice but to give up control when God brought them out of Egypt. They had to rely on his guidance alone.

The Israelites didn’t know how to escape the Egyptians, but God parted the sea.

The Israelites didn’t know where to go, but God guided them in a pillar of cloud.

The Israelites didn’t know what to eat, but God gave them manna that fell from the sky.

Surprisingly, the Israelites weren’t the perfect example of giving up control. They complained and feared. They tried to store manna, even though God instructed them to gather just enough for that day (Exodus 16:4). Their story is a portrayal of God’s faithfulness towards his people despite the human struggle to trust Him.

God knows that we stumble, make mistakes, and have emotional breakdowns at times. He understands that sometimes we lack the strength to pray, serve, and worship him. But despite your tendency to fail, are you willing to give up control (again) and trust God? 

You may be on the road, but you don’t see your destination. I can’t tell you when things are about to change or how your breakthrough will come about, but I know the one who knows. I know the one who wants to lead and guide you even if you’ve been driving around aimlessly for years. 

Giving up control means relying on your relationship with God. Where control stops relationship starts.

I can guarantee you, that the moment you give up control, God starts shifting things.

Read more:

15 Bible verses to calm fear and anxiety

How God changed me

When obedience brings blessing

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4 replies on “What it means to give up control”

It’s a difficult one, especially when God is leading you to pray for it too. Like Hannah and Peniya, there was pressure for Hannah to pray but it was all for Gods purposes,
Anyway, so nice and refreshing to read your inspired writings xx

Thank you for another inspiring writing for today!! ❤️ Really, I loved it and it truly speaks to me in the situation I’m in now. In the world of chaos, fear and loss, I pray that God will give us the strength to surrender all to Him. Amen!! 🙌🙏

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