
Winter is leaving and spring is coming

What do you do when the winter doesn’t seem to end? How do you deal with those long nights? For many of us, the season of winter can be dark, daunting, and difficult. We wonder how life changed that much. Where are the colors of fall, joys of summer, and the blossoming of spring? When challenges surround us and the clouds just won’t disappear, we feel discouraged. 

Do you know what I love the most about living in a country with four seasons? To witness the change of the seasons. Right now in Switzerland, there are days when I feel sunbeams on my skin and I hear the birds singing outside. Those signs whisper that winter is leaving and spring is coming. 

You may have noticed that I’m not only talking about the seasons in nature, but the different seasons we experience in our lives. How do we survive the winter? How do we persevere when our winter days seem dark and hopeless? 

By staying warm. Reading the Bible has a wonderful way of warming our hearts in a way no other book in this world can. No romantic novel can light a fire in your soul like the word of God which tells THE GREATEST love story ever told. You don’t believe me? Read it for yourself. It will warm your heart. I promise. 

By staying connected to the one true source. Being in prayer is a wonderful way to get to know God as who he is. There is no better time to hear his still small voice than in a season where things are used to be quiet. When it is silent, you can hear things you’ve never heard before. Winter brings that kind of solitude that will make you crave a deep relationship with your heavenly Father like never before.  

By keeping company. Invite your loved ones over and help each other to make it through winter together. Family and friends can appear in different shapes or forms. There are churches or even Christian groups online to connect with. As a believer, we can only keep the fire going by having fellowship with like-minded people. Without enough wood to keep the fireplace going, it can get cold really fast.

By focusing on your daily tasks. There is a purpose in every season. Whatever needs to be fixed around the house, do it now. Whatever chores fill out your schedule, go after them as if you were doing it for God. As a matter of fact, everything you do you’re doing for God because your whole life serves to glorify him. 

By trusting that seasons won’t stop changing. Winter never stays because spring is always coming. No matter how difficult this winter may be for you, it won’t last. Spring will come. Read Ecclesiastes 3 for encouragement. 

Winter can seem long, and the waiting may be difficult. I know. But don’t forget to cherish those precious little moments only winter has to offer: Snowflakes falling from the sky and touching the ground. Appreciate the beauty of color and contrast you can’t witness in any other season. There are days when it’s appropriate to stay in bed all day because the weather seems too stormy. That’s okay. Look after yourself because it’s winter. And the storm will pass.

The winter won’t last because seasons change. And YOU will make it through this season.

And then… When you feel the first sunbeams on your skin and hear the birds singing again, don’t forget to praise God. Because when spring approaches, you realize that HE has always been good and faithful. You witness that HE is trustworthy.

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