
Love is our destiny

As Christians, are we known as the people who love one another? If I’d take a survey today, asking people I encounter on the streets the answer would be a big NO. Unfortunately, we’re often appraised as judgmental, critical, and fake. 

“By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.“ John 13:35

But the Bible is clear; love is what it’s all about. Paul even says that we are NOTHING without love. 

If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. 1. Corinthians 13:2 

Some of us can get lost in studying Scripture, memorizing Bible verses, and arguing about doctrine. Spiritual discipline might become our primary focus, instead of the one thing all spiritual formation points towards: Love.

As Christians, we should get recognized as those who love one another, those who reach out and encounter others in kindness and compassion. This is easier said than done because loving others is challenging.

We’d like to do as the Word says and love people with all of our hearts but more often than not, we fail to do so. In reality, we’re all stumbling towards compassion.

If love is the heart of the cross, the most central thing of the Gospel message, how then do we struggle to live by it? 

For us to love people, we have to know the Father and his love for us. It all starts there. He sent his son to die for YOU. You’ve probably heard the message a thousand times. But still, we have to meditate on it, really let it sink into our hearts, deeper and deeper to take roots and grow to take over our whole inner being. 

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8

Being truly generous, compassionate, kind, patient, faithful, and forgiving are the fruits of love that are rooted in God. Everything begins with God’s love for us.

When the foundation, God’s love for us, is established in our hearts, we can learn from Jesus who is our teacher and savior. By observing and imitating him (Ephesians 5), we learn to love. 

We can only love others to the extent that we can draw from his great love for us. As we’re growing in faith and dwelling in God’s great love, we realize that we can’t get there all the way. We’re always on a journey of maturing in love. 

It is and stays a process. N.T. Wright is on point when he says:  

Love is not a duty, it is our destiny. Love is the thing that points us to the future and we are to be part of it in the presence. It’s like learning a language that people speak in the country to which we abound. – N.T. Wright

Rather than considering love as a duty that we must fulfill as Christians, let’s view it as our destiny. We learn to love by abiding in God’s Word and putting His teaching into practice in our daily lives. 

Let us pray for a deeper revelation of God’s love and for help to love others. Living in love is our ultimate destiny. 

Read more blog posts:

Find shelter in God’s arms 

Why Paul was free from the opinion of people

Thoughts about peace

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5 replies on “Love is our destiny”

Danke für die schönen Worte. Ich bin auch überzeugt davon dass die Liebe das Einzige ist wonach wir leben sollten. Ich stehe noch ganz am Anfang auf meinem Weg zu Gott, denn ich habe erst vor kurzer Zeit angefangen mich der Liebe Gottes hinzugeben.

Lieber Thomas. Wie schön, dass du dich für die Liebe Gottes geöffnet hast. Da hast du das Wichtigste erkannt. 🙂 Alles Gute auf deinem Weg.

Das stimmt, dank dieser Lieber geht es mir so gut wie nie zuvor. Ich spüre seinen Schutz zu jeder Zeit. Sein Wort bedeutet für mich Sicherheit und Zuflucht wie ich es vorher nie empfunden habe.

I really enjoyed this article, Madeleine! I like how you pointed out that we learn to love by abiding in His Word and in His love and getting to know Him – that’s what we often miss! And of course, I love that quote by N.T. Wright! He phrases things so well. Thank you for sharing!

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